In Christ Alone

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bonny last saw me this afternoon three years ago...

Three years ago in this very afternoon, Bonny last opened his eyes to see me before I left that ICU room.  He must had been assured by the Lord that I would be well taken care of before he accepted Jesus’ invitation to go to his eternal resting home in Heaven.
Today, as I take time to remember and think about Heaven, the quote from Bede Jerrett, “To rest in God eternally is the supreme joy of Heaven. Indeed, Heaven has no meaning but that”, brings much comfort to me.  As I take time to go through some albums and cards, I thank my God for those memories as He heals my soul and wipe away my tears.
What an amazing man that God has blessed me!  I can’t agree more with the note that came with the wreath from LoveSingapore Team three years ago that says “We celebrate the Amazing Life of Wilfred, a man of child-like faith, joyful hope and compassionate love, whose story of personal transformation and quiet confidence in the Lord is an inspiration to us all!”

I continue to remember and honour him as a man with a simple and pure heart, a man filled with love, a man full of fun and humor, and a man with a mighty warring intercessory spirit!


  1. Missing him so Kim his sister my memories of him are simple and almost all include Mum...<3

  2. He left so suddenly but quietly and with a smile...truly...a smile

  3. He left so suddenly but quietly and with a smile...truly...a smile

  4. I really wish he is still around. There's so much strength that I can draw from his smiles.
